Aswathi Kanjampurath Sivan was appointed a Georg H. Endress Postdoc Fellow

Congratulations to Aswathi Kanjampurath Sivan who was appointed a Georg H. Endress Postdoc Fellow

/ Forschung

GaAs/GaP superlattice nanowires: growth, vibrational and optical properties

Nanowire geometry allows semiconductor heterostructures to be obtained that are not achievable in planar systems, as in, for example, axial superlattices made of large lattice mismatched materials. This provides a great opportunity to…

Group BBQ

BBQ event at Kannenfeldpark Basel.

Welcome Jose-Manuel Sojo-Gordillo

On the 19th of April Jose-Manuel Sojo-Gordillo started in our group as a visiting scientist. He will stay with us until the end of June.

World Quantum Day 2022

What comes to your mind, hearing quantum? In celebration of the "World Quantum Day" on the 14th of April 2022, laypeople and researchers were asked what they relate to the word "quantum", what quanta are and in which research they performe…

In one scentence: What is Quantum?

April 14 is WorldQuantumDay2022. Researchers of NCCR SPIN were asked a simple question: Can you tell me in one sentence, what quantum is? See what they answer.
Saeko Tachikawa

Welcome Saeko Tachikawa to the Group

On the 11th of April Saeko Tachikawa started her post doc in our group.
Eucor Logo

Fourth Call for Georg H. Endress Postdoc Fellows

On January 14th, 2022, the fourth call for Georg H. Endress Postdoc Fellows was launched with deadline April 30th 2022. In the previous calls the Center has already appointed 18 outstanding fellows and is now opening a 4th call aiming to…

/ Forschung

Spatially mapping thermal transport in graphene by an opto-thermal method

Mapping the thermal transport properties of materials at the nanoscale is of critical importance for optimizing heat conduction in nanoscale devices. Several methods to determine the thermal conductivity of materials have been developed,…
Lukas Gubser

/ Doktorat

Congratulations to Lukas Gubser for the successful defense

Lukas Gubser has successfully completed his doctoral studies today! On behalf of the research group we congratulate him!