HS 2019 - Physik der Kondensierten Materie
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Ilaria Zardo
Time and place (lectures): Thursdays, 12:15-14:00 and Fridays, 10:15-12:00, HS2
Physics 1-4, math cycle, mechanics, electrodynamics, (parallel in 5th semester quantum mechanics and atomic and nuclear physics, in 6th semester statistical mechanics)
Introduction to solid state physics, structure, lattice vibrations, electrons, semiconductors, magnetism
Lecture Notes
The lectures are based in part on Steve Simon's recent lectures and book (lecture notes 2012 available here) and the KoMa lecture notes by Christian Schönenberger (available on ADAM).
Wednesday, 15.1.2020, 10:00-12:00
Room Alter Hörsaal 2, 1.22: here there will be the students whose family names start with A-F (including F)
Room Neuer Hörsaal 1, Foyer EG: here there will be the students whose family names start with G-Z
Written exam, 2 hours, similar to problem sets
Allowed: handwritten notes, max 5 pages A4 (double sided) or 10 pages (single sided); non-programmable calculator; English-German dictionary
Forbidden is everything else, in particular wireless/cellular devices, will lead to exclusion from the exam.
Repetition Exam
Can be taken upon request during summer break if all participants of repetition agree to an oral exam.
Tuesdays, 08:15-10:00
problem sets are available on ADAM
In order to pass/obtain the 6KP, 60% or more of the exercise points are required. The exam sets the grade.
Teaching Team
Dr. Milo Y. Swinkels | miloyaro.swinkels@unibas.ch |
Dr. Artem Komonov | artem.kononov@unibas.ch |
Dr. Gerard Gadea Diez | gerard.gadea@unibas.ch |
Lukas Gubser | lukas.gubser@unibas.ch |
Kris Cerveny | kris.cerveny@unibas.ch |
Miguel Carballido | miguel.carballido@unibas.ch |