FS 2025 - Nanophononics: manipulation of sound and heat (4KP)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ilaria Zardo, Dr. Begoña Abad
Time and place: Thursday 08:15-10:00, Department of Physics, Seminarzimmer 4.1

Time and place: Friday 08:15-10:00, Department of Physics, Alter Hörsaal 2, 1.22

This lecture is given in English


Phonons are the physical particles representing mechanical vibrations and are responsible for the transmission of sound and heat. This lecture aims at introducing the fundamentals for understanding phonon physics, theoretical and experimental methods for phonon transport description and engineering. Furthermore, we will study examples of newly developed phononic materials and devices.


Physics 1-4, Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics


Oral exam in June/July.
In order to access the exam, 50% or more of the exercise points are required. The exam sets the grade.