Dr. Jose M. Sojo Gordillo
Assistent / PostDoc
Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Departement Physik
FG Zardo
Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056 Basel
Büro 2.09
Tel. +41 61 207 55 90
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2023
Postdoc University of Basel, Switzerland
Visiting PhD candidate at INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon for four months at the Energy and Thermal Centre of Lyon (CETHIL) performing nano-thermal simulations and experimental work, including combined SEM-SThM measurements.
2018 – 2023
PhD Candidate Researcher Catalonia Institute for Energy research – IREC, Barcelona, Spain.
PhD thesis at the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells group in the field of Semiconductor nanostructures for thermal and thermoelectric applications.
2017 – 2018
Undergraduate researcher at Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain in the field of simulation and real time control of tritium transport for European subsystems of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) fuel processing plant.
2016 – 2017
Energy Engineer at the Department of thermal engines. University of Málaga, Málaga, Spain in the field of implementation of a zoned HVAC system into EnergyPlus simulation tool.
Energy Engineer at Metrica6 Start-up, Malaga, Spain.
Internshi, working on several water and energy saving, hardware improvement and legislation studies related with the patented device NESS.
ALLE PUBLIKATIONEN"Recent Advances in Silicon-Based Nanostructures for Thermoelectric Applications" Sojo Gordillo, J. M.; Morata, A.; Sierra, C. D.; Salleras, M.; Fonseca, L.; Tarancón, A, APL Materials, 11 (4), 040702, (2023)
"Superior Thermoelectric Performance of SiGe Nanowires Epitaxially Integrated into Thermal Micro-Harvesters" Sojo-Gordillo, J. M.; Sierra, C. D.; Gadea Diez, G.; Segura-Ruiz, J.; Bonino, V.; Nuñez Eroles, M.; Gonzalez-Rosillo, J. C.; Estrada-Wiese, D.; Salleras, M.; Fonseca, L.; Morata, A.; Tarancón, A. Small, 19 (17), 2206399 (2023)
"Semiconductor Nanostructures for Thermal and Thermoelectric Applications" Sojo-Gordillo, J. M. (2022)
"Tuning the Thermoelectric Properties of Boron‐Doped Silicon Nanowires Integrated into a Micro‐Harvester" Sojo‐Gordillo, J. M.; Estrada‐Wiese, D.; Duque‐Sierra, C.; Gadea‐Díez, G.; Salleras, M.; Fonseca, L.; Morata, A.; Tarancón, A. Advanced Materials Technologies, 7 (10), 2101715 (2022)
"Heat Sink Implementation on Micro-Thermoelectric Generators (µTEGs) for Power Enhancement" Rodríguez-Iglesias, A.; Estrada-Wiese, D.; Sojo, J.-M.; Fernández-Regúlez, M.; Martín-Fernández, I.; Morata, A.; Tarancon, A.; Abad, L.; Santander, J.; Salleras, M.; Fonseca, L. In 11 th National Days on Energy Harvesting and Storage (2022)
"Transitioning from Si to SiGe Nanowires as Thermoelectric Material in Silicon-Based Microgenerators" Fonseca, L.; Donmez-Noyan, I.; Dolcet, M.; Estrada-Wiese, D.; Santander, J.; Salleras, M.; Gadea, G.; Pacios, M.; Sojo, J.-M.; Morata, A.; Tarancon, A. Nanomaterials, 11 (2), 517 (2021)
"Managing Heat Transfer Issues in Thermoelectric Microgenerators" Salleras, M.; Donmez-Noyan, I.; Dolcet, M.; Santander, J.; Estrada-Wiese, D.; Sojo, J.-M.; Gadea, G.; Morata, A.; Tarancon, A.; Fonseca, L. In Heat Transfer - Design, Experimentation and Applications; IntechOpen (2021)
"Highly Sensitive Self‐Powered H2 Sensor Based on Nanostructured Thermoelectric Silicon Fabrics" Pacios Pujadó, M.; Sojo Gordillo, J. M.; Avireddy, H.; Cabot, A.; Morata, A.; Tarancón, A. Advanced Materials Technologies, 6 (1), 2000870 (2021)
"Thermal Conductivity of Individual Si and SiGe Epitaxially Integrated NWs by Scanning Thermal Microscopy" Sojo Gordillo, J. M.; Gadea Diez, G.; Pacios Pujadó, M.; Salleras, M.; Estrada-Wiese, D.; Dolcet, M.; Fonseca, L.; Morata, A.; Tarancón, A. Nanoscale, 13 (15), 7252–7265 (2021)
"Harvesting Performance of a Planar Thermoelectric Microgenerator with a Compact Design" Estrada-Wiese, D.; Sojo, J.-M.; Salleras, M.; Santander, J.; Fernandez-Regulez, M.; Martin-Fernandez, I.; Morata, A.; Fonseca, L.; Tarancon, A. In 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS); IEEE; pp 108–111 (2021)
"Enhanced Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Individual Si Nanowires with Ultralow Contact Resistances" Gadea Díez, G.; Sojo Gordillo, J. M.; Pacios Pujadó, M.; Salleras, M.; Fonseca, L.; Morata, A.; Tarancón Rubio, A. Enhanced Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Individual Si Nanowires with Ultralow Contact Resistances. Nano Energy, 67, 104191 (2020)