Dr. Begoña Abad Mayor
Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Departement Physik
FG Zardo
Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056 Basel
Büro 1.21
Tel. +41 61 207 37 00
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2023
SNSF PRIMA Group Leader at the Physics department, University of Basel, Switzerland
2020 – 2022
Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow in the Nanophononics group of Prof. Zardo at the University of Basel, Switzerland.
2019 – 2020
Postdoc in the Nanophononics group of Prof. Zardo at the University of Basel, Switzerland.
2016 – 2019
Postdoc in the Kapteyn-Murnane group of Prof. Margaret Murnane and Prof. Henry Kapteyn in the University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2011 – 2016
PhD thesis in the Functional Nanostructured Devices for Energy group of Dr. Marisol Martín González in Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology of Madrid (CSIC), by Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
2010 – 2011
Master degree in Applied Physics in Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
2005 – 2010
Bachelor degree in Physics in Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
ALLE PUBLIKATIONEN“Universal Behavior of Highly Confined Heat Flow in Semiconductor Nanosystems: From Nanomeshes to Metalattices”. B. McBennett, A. Beardo. E.E. Nelson. B. Abad, T.D. Frazer, A. Adak, Y. Esashi, B. Li, H.C. Kapteyn, M.M. Murnane, J. L. Knobloch. Nano Letters, 2023, 23, 6, 2129-2136.
“Structural and elastic properties of empty-pore metalattices extracted via nondestructive coherent extreme UV scatterometry and electron tomography.”. J. L. Knobloch, B. McBennett, T. D. Frazer, C. Bevis, S. Yazdi, A. Adak, E. E. Nelson, Jorge. N. Hernández-Charpak, H. Y. Cheng, A. J. Grede, P. Mahale, N. N. Nova, N. C. Giebink, T. E. Mallouk, J. V. Badding, H. C. Kapteyn, B. Abad, and M. M. Murnane. ACS Nano, 2022, 14 (36), 41316-41327.